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BrRsl dec

BrRsldec – A right leaning brioche decrease.

Three stitches labelled 1 - 3. Stitch one has been slipped knitwise to the right hand needle.
1. Slip stitch 1 knitwise (with its yo).
Stitch 2 has been slipped knitwise to the right hand needle
2. Slip stitch 2 knitwise.
The first two stitches on the right hand needle have been knitted together through the back loop.
3. Knit stitches 1 and 2 together through the back loop.
The new stitch has been slipped to the left hand needle
4. Slip the new stitch to the left hand needle.
The completed stitch on the right hand needle
5. Pass stitch 3 (and yo) over the new stitch and slip the new stitch back to the right hand needle.