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BrpRsl dec

 BrpRsl dec – A right leaning brioche purl decrease.

The first two stitches on the left hand needle in the process of being purled together
1. Purl the first two stitches on the left-hand needle together (including the yo).
The first stitch on the left hand needle has been slipped knitwise to the right hand needle
2. Slip the next stitch knitwise.
The first two stitches on the right hand needle have been slipped back to the left hand needle
3. Slip the first two stitches on the right-hand needle back to left-hand needle.
The second stitch on the right hand needle has been passed over the first stitch and off the needle
4. Pass the second stitch on the left-hand needle (with its yo) over the first.
The completed stitch from the front of the knitting
5. Slip the new stitch back to right-hand needle.