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BrpLsl dec

BrpLsl dec – A left leaning brioche purl decrease.
Three stitches labelled 1 - 3. Stitch 1 and the associated yarn over have been slipped to the right hand needle. Stitches 2 and 3 remain on the left hand needle.
1. Slip stitch 1 purlwise (with its yo).
Stitch 2 has been purled and is now on the right hand needle and labelled "new"
2. Purl stitch 2.
Stitch 3 has been slipped knitwise to the right hand needle
3. Slip stitch 3 knitwise (with its yo).
Stitch, 3 then "new" have been slipped to the left hand needle
4. Slip stitch 3 and the new stitch back to left hand needle.
Pass stitch 3 over the new stitch and off the needle
5. Pass stitch 3 (with its yo) over the new stitch.
The stitch labelled "new" has been slipped to the right hand needle
6. Slip the new stitch back to right hand needle.
Two Images. Left Image - The completed stitch from the front of the work. Right Image - The completed stitch from the back of the work
7. Pass stitch 1 over the new stitch. The last image shows the decrease on the reverse side of the knitting.