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Brp4st dec

This is basically a centred double decrease in purl. It reduces 5 stitches to 1 stitch. I use it in Cailleach-Oidhche to create the owl on the reverse side of the cowl!

Two images. Left image: Five stitches labelled 1 - 5. Right Image: Stitch 1 and 2 have been slipped to the right hand needle, stitches 3, 4 and 5 are on the left hand needle.
1. Slip stitches 1 and 2 purlwise to right hand needle.
Image as last step with stitch three now slipped to a cable needle at the back.
2. Slip stitch 3 to cable needle and hold to back.
Stitch 2 and 4 have been purled together and labelled "new"
3. Purl stitch 2 and 4 together.
The stitch labelled 1 has now been passed over the new stitch and off the needle.
4. Pass stitch 1 over the new stitch.
Stitch 5 has been slipped knitwise to the right hand needle
5. Slip stitch 5 knitwise.
Stitch 5 and the new stitch have been slipped purlwise to the left hand needle
6. Slip stitch 5 and the new stitch to the left hand needle.
Stitch 5 has been passed over the new stitch and off the needle
7. Pass stitch 5 over the new stitch.
Stitch 3 has been slipped from the cable needle to the right hand needle, then the new stitch has been slipped to the left hand needle
8. Slip stitch 3 to the right hand needle, then slip the new stitch to the right hand needle.
Two Images. Left Image - The completed stitch from the front of the work. Right Image - The completed stitch from the back of the work
9. Pass stitch 3 over the new stitch. The last image shows the decrease on the reverse side of the knitting.