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How to work a backwards loop cast-on
Backwards Loop Cast-On
A piece of brioche knitting in pink and white yarn. The pattern resembles an owl.
Brioche Tutorials
The three stitches have been knit onto the right hand needle completing the cable
Cables Without a Cable Needle
Chain Stitch
A close up on a slanted Drop Stitch Braid on fingerless mitts
Drop Stitch Braid
A cast-on on a needle with stitches arranged in pairs with a horizontal band of yarn wrapped around them.
Estonian Cast-On
The finished short rows on the cable of a circular needle, showing the curve produced.
German Short Rows
A piece of knitting with a purlwise graft in progress
Kitchener Stitch in Purl
The completed t-k2tog stitch - A right leaning decrease with the legs of the top stitch crossed
T-k2tog (twisted knit two together)