Flùran – Blossoming!
I first had the idea for Flùran back in the middle of winter, when everything was dull and dark and dreary. It started with an idea for a leafy sock,
Stylish and Fun Knitting Patterns
Thoughts, Tips and Inspiration!
I first had the idea for Flùran back in the middle of winter, when everything was dull and dark and dreary. It started with an idea for a leafy sock,
Back in October when I was knitting Buinne and Fearthainn which weren’t particularly portable projects, I picked out a skein of yarn from my stash and cast on a couple
This is it! The summer holidays are nearly over and the Socks in Love collection is complete, and what better way to finish it off than with an all over
It’s been an adventure getting this one ready for you! We did a photo shoot on Monday (because I forgot to block my socks in time for the weekend –
Before we start talking about Togair, can I just mention how perfect socks are as summer holiday knitting? Easy to pick up and put down if someone starts screaming, you’re
Remember this stitch from Mànran? I told you you’d be seeing more of it! Gràdh is the second of my Socks in Love collection. This time the socks feature diagonal
In the year since I started knitting socks I’ve experimented with different styles and the really important thing I’ve learnt is that I do not like knitting plain socks! I
You know when the skies open and there’s a sudden downpour, and instead of there being a road outside your house there’s now a rushing torrent of water? In Gaelic
To be honest, when I started knitting I really didn’t have any desire to knit my own socks, however since joining Instagram I’ve seen so many gorgeous photos of hand
I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!
I’m going to preface this by saying that there is no pattern support for the spreadsheet. If you follow the instructions on the spreadsheet you
I saw a post on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, about a knitter who had gone on a cruise and only realised once she