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A’ Mhuir – The Sea

A blue triangular cowlette with a stocking stitch body and rippling lace and textured borderDesigning this shawl has brought back all sorts of memories of playing on various beaches as a child. St Cyrus was our nearest beach, with smooth sands for building castles, the freezing North Sea to swim in and rockpools and when we were tired we’d watch the arctic terns diving for food for their chicks. Glenelg, where we’d play on the beach and look out at the islands or hunt for crabs on the rocks while we waited for the ferry to Skye.

A’ Mhuir has a smooth stocking stitch body, like those flat calm seas with small rippling wavelets rippling up the beach in the garter stitch ripples in the shawl’s edge. Knit flat to begin with before being joined in the round, A’ Mhuir is a fun and quick knit (my testers all agreed!)

Due to Ravelry’s latest update, I’ve started selling my patterns through my own site. You can read more in yesterday’s blog post. Please be aware that Ravelry’s recent redesign is causing physical symptoms to some people, including migraines and seizures. A’ Mhuir is up on my website and LoveCrafts. You can get 25% off on my website and Ravelry until midnight (UK time) on the 14th July using the code SeaCowl!

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram, or come and join me on Patreon – I’d love to hear about what you’re knitting! If you’d like an exclusive 40% discount on future releases sign up to my newsletter – I only send out emails when I release a new pattern or am having a sale, so usually, you’ll only hear from me about once a month.


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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